Thursday, 5 June 2014


Children are the leaders of tomorrow. In our world today, it takes a lot of mental building and self development to be a good and reliable leader. Therefore, in Helen O’Grady Drama Academy, we catch them young to discover their hidden talent as well as help develop essential life skills to prepare them for tomorrow.

The Helen O’ Grady drama academy has been in operation for over 30 years in 27 countries with over 70,000 children and youths attending classes. The academy is one of the world’s foremost developmental drama providers.

The aims of the Academy are achieved through involving our students in a highly stimulating, creative, theatre arts programme, designed to develop:

1.         Enthusiasm and a positive approach to life.
2.         Ongoing confidence.
3.         Self esteem.
4.         Skills in verbal communication, public speaking, presentation and English language skills.
5.         Effective social interaction.
6.         Creativity.
7.         Performance arts skills.

Get in on the act today as you join us at our new Ibadan studio at 100, M. K. O Abiola road, beside K. F. C, Ring Road where we have provision for children between the ages of 5-8 yrs (lower primary), 9-12 yrs (upper primary) and 13-18 yrs ( youth theatre)
You can also contact our Nigeria office on 0802 311 8128 or Ibadan office on 08029193979, 07033752337. Or log on to www.dramaafrica,.com for more details.

Monday, 28 April 2014


A new term is here again!!!

Helen O’ Grady drama Academy teachers experience yet another interesting and promising meeting where teachers showcased new perspective, enthsiasm and promises to inculcate more attitude and rocket boosting performances.

As always, creativity confidence and communication is our goal and parents love the result.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Monday, 14 October 2013


Yes, SPARKLE! The gleam in the eyes of the students says it all!

Every drama time brings a glow and light to the faces of our students, with the promise of a brighter future.

Helen O'Grady Drama classes build confidence and enthusiasm needed to be successful in today's competitive world.

Monday, 30 September 2013

EXCITING CLASSES!! Classes have begun in earnest and its nice to once again meet with old and new friends.

We had a wonderful time at Christland School, Ladipo-Oluwole with everyone sharing precious holiday memories and lots of new faces around.

At the end of the class, we all could do nothing but look forward to the next one which promises to be fun-filled and engaging.

Fleeing ants in "Ants and The Chocolate Cake".

School teacher partnering with our student in a Snippet.

Thursday, 5 September 2013


                        Holiday is over  
                        Holiday is over                            
                        School’s time’s here again     
                        Class time’s here again
                        Welcome teachers    
                        Welcome students
                        For we are going to have
                        A jolly DRAMA TIME                                            
                        With Helen O’Grady    
                        Drama Academy

Tick, tock, tick, tock, goes the clock....
Tick, tock, tick, tock.....
The days keep rolling,
And now, the holiday is over!
A new term begins!

Term 1 promises a series of lively, vibrant, fun-filled learning activities.
Come along with us and you will see the difference between what you used to be and what you will become.

The difference is dramatic!